Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I pity all of the earthbound people. I pity all actually. But have no empathy. I kill freely and i say we should bomb the schools. Its not that hard to sneak into top government buildings.


He is my alter ego. His name is also Chaos backwards. He hates everyone. He is the voice in my head that tells me to things. And on rare occasions takes control of me. He thinks I should be more like him. How do you expect I escaped the school? He killed everyone in our path.



Just Me said...

sounds little bit like something Lilac would do

But lilac has a little bit of a conscience.

Phoenix Fireweilder said...

oi, Soahc, this is from Crystal: soahc, i can not see how terifying, or killing for that matter, is fun...(sarcastic breath) but, then again, i'm not a crazed sychopath like you are. have a "nice" day

Thought in a Cup said...

I can find anyone anywhere. I will kill all. Nothing can stop me. It seems shadow will get there fist though.
